• Washington Policy Center (WPC) is an independent, non-profit think tank that promotes sound public policy based on free-market solutions.

    WPC's mission improves lives of Washington state's citizens by providing accurate, high-quality research for policymakers, the media and the general public.

  • Headquartered in Seattle with satellite offices and full-time staff in Olympia and Eastern Washington, Washington Policy Center publishes studies, sponsors events and conferences and educates citizens on the vital public policy issues facing our region. WPC has an annual budget of more than $4.5 million and a full-time staff of 25. Broadcast, print, and online media throughout Washington and across the nation cover WPC's work regularly and seek out its policy experts for analysis and commentary. In addition, lawmakers routinely invite WPC to testify before legislative committees.

  • Through its research centers, Washington Policy Center focuses on eight core areas of public policy:

    • Education
    • The Environment
    • Government Reform
    • Health Care
    • Small Business
    • Transportation
    • Agriculture
    • Worker Rights

  • At WPC we believe ideas, supported by sound research and promoted through publications, conferences and the media, over time, create an environment in which policymakers and citizens make sound public policy decisions.

2024 Annual Dinner Committee

Jason Childs - Chair
Kathy Connors
Greg Porter
Janet True

Julie Childs - Chair
Jo Anne Estes
Sarah Rindlaub

Dave Barber
Katie Jansen
Phil Schlaepfer

Board of Directors

Greg Porter - Chairman
Nathan Rimmer - Treasurer
Dave Barber
Joanna Cable
Kemper Freeman Jr.
Matt McIlwain
Benjamin Petter
Robert Tippett

Janet True - Vice Chair
Dan Absher
Roger Bowlin
Kathy Connors
Katie Jansen
John Otter
Sarah Rindlaub
Craig Williamson

Kate Lampson - Secretary
Richard Alvord
Artie Buerk
Anne Cowles
Martha Lee
Jeff Perrault
Phil Scott Schlaepfer
Adam Wray